Raw Fury News
Star Trucker Now Available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Game Pass and PC
We are thrilled to announce that the interstellar trucking simulator, Star Trucker, launches today globally for PC and Xbox Series X|S. Star Trucker is also available today on Xbox Game Pass for console and [...]
Cooking is Coming to Moonstone Island on July 31!
🎵 COOKING COOKING COOKING, IT’S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME 🎵 ...and you! And everyone that plays Moonstone Island! That’s right, we have a major, FREE, update coming next week themed around the culinary arts! https://youtu.be/gkHqOeGgzIQ [...]
Enjoy the Latest Free Dome Keeper Update – A Keeper’s Duty!
It’s Dome Keeper’s largest update to date! After testing and balancing during our Open Beta, we’ve released our next free update to Dome Keeper, A Keeper’s Duty, on Steam today!  Check out [...]
Announcing Partnership with Gameclaw Studio for Regions of Ruin 1 & 2!
https://youtu.be/PmDHDVEBgR4 Raw Fury is honored to forge new bonds with Gameclaw Studio to publish the Regions of Ruin games! We have a lot more cooking, so come sit by the campfire, relax, and know that [...]
Moonstone Island is now on Nintendo Switch!
https://youtu.be/2uo2vkzi7Jo It's your first day as an Alchemist-in-training! You'll be traveling to a new home on a floating island in the sky, where you will learn the ropes of Alchemy, forage for powerful and [...]